
Age 27, Male

poop plug


Joined on 8/11/11

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Amazingbouy's News

Posted by Amazingbouy - February 22nd, 2013

How much did I say I had done with Welchcraft? Like, 40 seconds? yeah, fuck all that! Just about over 110 seconds done of it! And it is looking BALL! I really cannot say too too much about it for obvious reasons, but I can say I will be showing everyones names in this one because of past confusion of their names.. Sorry about that fail. Reall, there is not much to say other then how cool Welchcraft is coming, I need more voices as of right this second, but I will get them recorded soon. My whole life is revolving around this toon! So I better get a daily!!! Well, that is it.. Message me on Newgrounds or twitter, or skype, or facebook! I really don't mind. WELP, GATTA GO DEW WHAT I DEW BEST! and that is, ANIMATE! Love you guys! See yah!
~ Captain Allen (Amazingbouy)

Super nice!

Posted by Amazingbouy - January 24th, 2013

Hey guys! So my youtube just exploded and some how got over 150 in like, four days! Jall' can check my Youtube out HERE Also I made a facebook fan page for some updates by me and Mario (co-creator of everything I make) FACEBOOKPAGE . So anyway, I have been working on Welchcraft since the day Mario came over to do the voices (this was about three weeks ago) I can't really show you guys it because well, it would SOIL IT!! So, that is that... But, even with the Yiynova, music, and red bulls at my will, I still only have 37.2 seconds done! Not all of that is colored, and most of it doesn't have backgrounds, but I will later, I just did it to save time. Also, CooliSushi is doing all the Backgrounds for this cartoon! Last time Rhys did them all, this time it is cooli, and I have got to say, pretty gnarly stuff! Welp, I have more cartoonin to do, feel free to check out them links, add me as a friend on Newgrounds and or Skype, and have a welchin' day!

Welchcraft Episode 3

Posted by Amazingbouy - December 28th, 2012

Well, not the real thing. A Yiynova 19' Monitor tablet. So far, it preforms just as good as a Cintiq, at over half the price it was worth the buy! I can draw faster, and get more hands on experience with my cartoons. Also, the screen it fraggin' big, so that is always cool. I have a little laptop, so next to each other, the Yiynova eats it up! The color looks better so, all around awesome piece of Equipment!

Also, in brighter news, Me ans Mario (subzeroanimations) have officially started scripting Welchcraft episode 3! Episode three is unfortunately the last episode, but! We are working our rears off to make it perfect! No sound problems, no art failure, no animation chopping, all blood and tears! We have only been working on it for a week or so, and already love how it's coming out. So, look forward to that. I will not work on any side projects until this is done, so if you guys want any more news on welchcraft and more, favorite me as a author on Newgrounds! Or add me on Skype! Or even follow me on Twitter, @Amazingbouy! Hope to hear from you guys, and please, don't hesitate to get in contact with me, and as always, thanks for liking my toons!

Got a Cintiq!

Posted by Amazingbouy - December 15th, 2012

I'm not sure how many of you guys know, but Steven never wants to do the Young show again. I will kill it off some, tasteless short unfunny way, by Christmas! Also, some more bad news, I am fresh out of ideas for cartoons! I am working on something kinda important, but I can't give the details about it just yet. I can say this, Welchcraft episode will be the last one... But! It will be super long, it will end the series amazingly, and you guys will love it! Trust Captain, he knows.

Not sure how many of you guys have a twitter, but I got one of throws things! Follow Captain here
In other news, I am doing a lot of voice acting for some stuff, and numerous art submissions for something non-newgrounds related, so please don't think I'm just sitting on my ass being lazy! I am saving up for a Wacom Cintiq 22 inch, or a Yinova 19' cintiq alternative. Since I'm not rollin' in dough, it might be a while before I get one of them.

Sorry for hitting you guys in the face with a bunch of bad news, but life is just being life right now, I should give it some time. One more thing, Me, Solrac, Harri21hi, Lupy, AngelXMikey, Rhys510, CooliSushi, and ThePivotsXXD are doing a family poster, much like last years, but with more current characters of ours. The link to that is right here .
Here is also my kind of inactive bandcamp that I don't use all the time, there is nothing there that is not here, so don't freak out over that. Thanks for tunein' in guys, more stuff to come I hope, so just hang tight! BYE!!!!!

Sorry guys...

Posted by Amazingbouy - November 21st, 2012

Within the last month, I have had so many things awesome happen to me! I met Solrac, Ego, Tomar, HotDiggityDemond, and I got half of the next young show done!!! This is pretty amazing if you ask me. Also, this Christmas, I am treating myself to a new Cintiq!

Aside all of that, I need to finish a cartoon for school. Because I didn't make an essay on time, I have one week to make an awesome cartoon to show my class about Physics :S. It is due the 25th of November, so I'll upload it to Newgrounds soon after! Other than that, just keep being awesome, and expect the unexpected. I have a Skype you know, so if you want to add me, we can talk when I'm not knee deep in work. My name is CaptainHappee (Captain is my first name and Happee is my old user name.. Happeebouy transformed into Amazingbouy for Newgrounds because it's sexy) THANKS GUYS BYE!

What's all this?

Posted by Amazingbouy - October 21st, 2012

Posted by Amazingbouy - June 30th, 2012

I know I have been saying I have been working on stuff, then stopping. But with this new project I'm working on, everyone is going to love it! It's not a series like welchcraft, and not a "one time thing" like the shorts I put up. It will just come up every now and then. I already have over a minute done, and it looks amazing! I know you guys will love it! It is called "The Young Show" after this, I'll work on "Welchcraft Episode 2" then "Super Pivots" then "The Zelda Movie" I know it will all get done (except for zelda) by the end of 2012! Hope you guys love this one!

Here I am!

Posted by Amazingbouy - May 17th, 2012

A lot of things are happening! I am becoming more a voice actor then an animator lately, not a good thing. I like voicing, but I need to get a flash of some sort done! WelchCraft will be worked on this summer, I have animated all I could, now I need voices. Zelda movie has an OKAY start, and now, Solrac and Coolie are writing/voicing something new for me!

one more thing, I miss Harri21hi :'(

Update finally!

Posted by Amazingbouy - November 25th, 2011

I have some projects on hold for the time being, but i'm trying to get some welchcraft done finally. script is done, so I just need voices and to animate. That will be fun :/


Posted by Amazingbouy - November 5th, 2011

The six of us did very well! I think we will have to do something like this again! What do you guys think? Well, I really enjoyed working with them :) to bad the Halloween collab was submitted THREE DAYS AFTER HALLOWEEN! what eveah... We shall make it better next time :3 any IDEAS for a collab, plaese IM the FUCK out of me, and maybe you will become the writer of the next one :D
